Saturday, August 22, 2009


Notice the top on my tractor,
I cut the top off an old golf cart and welded it to my tractor,
Thats Simple Man Makin It Do!

I bought this saw off Craig's List for $30.00.
I am told it is a Swing saw or Cut Off Saw.
Looks to me like it has an old rear end out of a T Model Ford for the drive box.
Someone has rigged the saw to work off a PTO on a tractor,
instead of a leather belt drive.

I am told this saw was used to cut the lengths needed
for stove wood,or wood for the fireplace.

I hooked the saw to my tractor, You know I just had to try it out!

View of the drive shaft to the PTO

View of the Saw Blade, which needs a good sharpening!

View of the log rack, for safety it has a blade guard
Ready to Cut Some Wood! Let's Try it Out!
The Log Rack goes back as I press on the log.
Close up of the saw blade in motion!
It is not as dangerous as I thought it looked!
Back then they were looking for a easier way, than a safer way of cutting logs.

As I was cutting the log, I was thinking it is hard to believe:
Some man long ago said to himself:
This is a easier way to cut wood! Than Using a Hand Cross Cut Saw!
I will never complain about my Chain Saw when it does not want to start Again!
If you know something about this old saw,
Leave me any information by clicking on the word comment below.
Or Email me at
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Tootsie said...

oh wow!!! you are very handy...creative and have a great sense of humor!!! thanks for visiting my blog today!!!
I am a makin it do kind of girl!!! who says things have to be expensive right? they mean more when we make them...and the memory of making them ourselves!

Chari at Happy To Design said...


Welcome! It's such a pleasure to have you join in with Sunday Favorites! You know...I have to admit that I don't know much about saws and such but my husband Russ was sitting here with me when I was checking out your blog earlier! He really got a kick at seeing your old swing saw!!! He is the maintenance supervisor for a steel forgery...has the fun task of keeping all those big ol' presses, furnaces and all the other equipment involved with running a steel forgery...maintained and in working order. There are so many times that he ends up creating or making something that they'll need to help on the job...your blog is right up his alley! Hehe! I see that you're fairly new to this blogging thing...sure hope that you'll keep up with it and continue to share some of your projects and treasure finds with us!!! By the way...using the top of the golf cart for your tractor was genius!!!

So very nice to meet you and have you join in with Sunday Favorites! Sure hope that you'll join us again!!! Ohhh my...that really is the biggest saw blade that I've ever seen! Hehe! I bet this old swing saw sure makes using your chain saw a pleasure!!!

Warmest wishes,

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Now that is pretty ingenious. Enjoyed this post!

Lori E said...

My husband could use something like that at our cabin. I had better not show it to him or I may find part of my car missing one day when he tries to make one of his own.

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Only $, that was really inexpensive...I guess worth a try at that price! Just be careful that you don't shoot your eye out...oh, wait a minute...wrong warning. :-) Seriously, it looks a little scary. I think I'd hire someone and say, "Please, cut this wood" That is a HUGE blade! I don't trust myself around a knife, hardly...much less that big ole giant turning blade! Will be checking back to see what you find out!

Keetha Broyles said...

I don't know ANYTHING about that saw except it sure looks like it NEEDS a blade guard of SOME KIND. Please don't cut your arm off!!!

xinex said...

You really are very talented, clever and handy! My husband nor I would not have an idea of using any of that....Christine

Lady Katherine said...

Hello, Just trying a test someone said it not accepting comments, just giving it a try.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

WOW! That's some saw device!

Thanks for sharing...

Sheila :-)